Join To Bollywood aims to prepare competent and professionally committed actors, skilled in every aspect of an actor’s art and craft – physical, mental and emotional. It lays the foundation for a self-fulfilling and meaningful career as a performer.
In order to maintain an environment where these goals can be achieved honourably and equitably, the institute promotes civility, respect and integrity among its entire student. The institute strives to achieve this by establishing a Student Conduct of Code that promotes individual and social responsibility. These policies have been designed to protect the status and reputation of the institution and create an environment conducive to achieving the academic mission of the institution.
The rules mentioned below are meant to regulate discipline in our studios.
Students must try and be seated in the classrooms five minutes before the scheduled time. In any case, no student will be permitted to enter the class after 5 minutes of the class going into session.
All mobiles and communication devices, if any will be switched off in the academic block. They can be used only in the parking area. Students violating this rule will have their phones confiscated and will be returned after the payment of a fee of Rs. 500/-
Use of mobile phones during school hours is prohibited. Students are requested to give the number of our Admin manager, (+919930056883) to their parents so that for any emergency during school hours they can contact us and we will inform the students accordingly.
Smoking, chewing gum, chewing of pan-masala and such activities are strictly prohibited in campus.
Students should be dressed appropriately and decently while on premises.
Absence from tests/examinations/tutorials and non-submission of assignments in time will make the student ineligible for the final play presentation and will not be awarded the diploma.
Students should keep themselves abreast of day to day activities of the Institute and abide by all communications put up on the notice board / website.
Writing graffiti on the walls of the studios, passages, toilets, chairs and tables or any where is an act of indiscipline. Such acts will attract a fine.
Disrespect or discourtesy to guests, faculty and office staff will be considered as an act of indiscipline and the student concerned will be suspended from the programme.
Any student disturbing a class in session will be given an initial warning after which the faculty can ask the student to exit the classroom.
Misbehavior, habitual late coming, disobedience, absenteeism, consumption of prohibited substances in the premises, malpractices, cheating in the assessments, and other such acts unbecoming of a professional actor shall attract suspension from the institute.
Students are also expected to conduct themselves with propriety outside the campus. Students who get involved in public disturbances will face suspension or possible expulsion from the Institute.
Minimum attendance of 75% and above is the prime eligibility to be awarded the Diploma and for being included in the final play presentation.
Students may be granted attendance concession on medical grounds, on production of an appropriate Medical Certificate immediately on return from their absence.
The students must insure themselves to cover any medical costs in the event of illness or accident. The school does not accept any liability in this regard.
International students are themselves responsible for procuring the appropriate visa and completing the necessary government formalities for undertaking the courses at Join To Bollywood.
Attendance at special seminars and guest lectures is compulsory.
Tuition fee and other dues shall be paid by due date failing which there will be a penalty imposed and or suspension from the programme.
Co-curricular activities shall not be considered as an excuse for lack of attendance, unless otherwise permitted by the Management.
Tearing of pages from the Library books will be viewed seriously. The student returning the book shall be held responsible for making good the damages / replacement of book.
Rules of the Institute can be altered / changed by the management at appropriate times keeping in view the best interest of students and the institute.
Anyone found indulging in ragging in any form within or outside the campus, shall be instantly expelled from the Institute (Ref: The Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999).
The Director/Dean is empowered to impose fines for misconduct on the part of any student as and when warranted and justified. The fines so collected will be utilized for students welfare activities or for philanthropic activities through the institute’s established NGO.
The Institute reserves the right to ask a student to leave the Programme at any time in the course of the academic term, should the student’s academic performance and general conduct as adjudged by the Institute be found unsatisfactory
There may be occasions that due to misinterpretation of Rules or any other cause a dispute/ grievance may arise. In such an eventuality the nature of the dispute / grievance will be conveyed to the Dean in writing who shall give his decision.
If the complainant is not satisfied, he/she may refer the matter to the Chairman, whose decision on the issue will be final.
Students are requested not to litter classrooms and other working areas of the Institute.
Audio-visual equipment used in class should not be handled by a student.
All the lights and fans must be switched off by the student who is the last to leave the class. All students are enjoined to conserve water and electricity in the larger interest of the society.